HR Managin'

  • Relay for Life

    OK, so back in the 80s, when I was playing tetherball and four square and falling for my very first love, this guy out in Tacoma decided to raise some money for cancer.  I think he was a doctor or something.  Anyway, as a gimmick he pledged to walk for 24 hours around a track, and asked people to pay money to walk with him – like fifty bucks a half hour or something.  After a pretty wretched 24 hours of walking laps, he had raised $27,000.  Whoa.  That’s a lot of friends.  Anyway, the next year he invited some other people to do it, and they raised $33,000.  All…

  • Adventures in Chemotherapy

    You know work is bad when you prefer spending the day at the chemotherapy treatment center.   My job has myriad, disparate tasks.  Myriad.  And disparate.  And here lately these pesky insistent little duties have all hooked their long fingers around one or the other of my limbs and started trotting off in their disparate directions, threatening to tear me apart, medieval execution style.  Then yesterday, the Biggest Baddest Need of them all stepped up, swept away all of his grabby competitors-for-my-attention, and demanded all of me, for 6 hours.   This Biggest Baddest Need was a friend’s cancer.  A key employee is needed at a key meeting that cannot be re-scheduled.  His wife is due her…