Holidays and Celebrations

  • Post Holiday Update

    I have sat myself down to write some updates a few times, but technology has always foiled me.  So many barriers between me and my one true love – writing for pleasure.  (OK, I have more than one true love – making music, exercising hard, cooking, acting, but that doesn’t work as well rhetorically).  The Prof has been out of town for several days, and thus I have had no uninterrupted time for a while.  Nevertheless, though he’s not back yet, I am sitting down and attempting an update.  Assuredly I will be interrupted a billion times and probably by the end of this, my tone will be exasperated and…

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  • Christmas Menu

    The last time we had Christmas at home was 5 years ago, in Alabama, and while we enjoyed it very much, it was somewhat marred by tornadoes, which is a natural disaster I do not weather well (pun intended).  Earthquake this California girl any day, hurricanes you’ve got plenty of notice, but a tornado . . .  Anyhow, I made a delightful meal that tasted like ash in my mouth as I watched stalwart news reporters calmly telling us when it was time to shelter, so I’m excited to give that meal a do-over.  (Knock wood, salt over shoulder, etc.) So I’m excited to once more be holiday meal planning! …

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  • Christmas is Settlement Season

    I have never been so slammed in December.  Last week I pulled an all nighter – basically worked 36 hours straight, with an hour or two break here and there to give the kids dinner, sleep for an hour, take a shower.  I’m digging out . . . it won’t be this way forever . . . but it’s a real pain in the neck that this is happening in December.  Now I did take the morning following my work marathon to sleep in, wrap some presents, and all around regain my composure, before arriving at the office at 11:30 to bill a full 8 hour day.  That break did help,…

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  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning and Train Track Engineering

    My shirtless three year old son (soon to be four!  FOUR!) is studiously banging a wooden hammer on some wooden train tracks, to make them “stick together.”  Our Christmas tree lights are a-twinkle – the boys decorated it and so it is predictably bottom heavy with ornaments and bare at the top.  I artfully arranged some glass ball ornaments in bowls and vases around the house, and Liam keeps helpfully emptying them and putting the ornaments on the tree.  “I found these over here so I hung ’em up for ya, mom.”  Thanks bud. The Christmas season is upon us.  Halloween is probably my favorite time of year, but it kind of…

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  • College Game Day Begins

    It’s too hot for football, but here we are watching College Game Day. Staring down a three day weekend, and thrilled about it. No doubt I’ll be billing a little time over the next three days, but I have an absolute mountain of work coming my way next week and so I’m going to do my best to rest and recharge. We aren’t going anywhere and don’t have any particular plans, and for this particular Labor Day weekend that’s just what we all need. I had a great recent birthday this past week. The boys made me breakfast in bed (really the Prof and Liam, though the others took full…

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