We were down to nursing just once a day, in the morning. He would wake at 4, 5, 6, always early, and I would pull him into Jack’s bed and lay between them and I would nurse him back to sleeping, convince him that we needn’t start our day just yet. I was sometimes hours…
Category: Jack
Birthdays and Easter and Exams, Oh My!
4-23-11 Easter Eve I worked most of the day, on a paper. But I came home around dinner time to do some Easter festivities. We dyed a dozen hard boiled eggs. It was the perfect amount. Growing up in a family of five, as I did, I think we must have dyed 3 or 4…
Friday’s Child is Loving and Giving
Indeed he is. Three years ago today, I met my first baby, my boy (and stole my brother’s birthday out from under him.) Happy birthday, Jack.
Two Cute Kids
I got home tonight just in time to nurse Liam before bed (it is the thick of exam study time). He gazed up in my face, thrilled I was there, and then clicked his tongue at me. So I clicked my tongue at him, and then he clicked his tongue back. I giggled, and suddenly…
. . . approacheth. More importantly, however, I have to register for classes tomorrow morning, and I’m having a devil of a time deciding what I want to take. There are tons of classes I want to squeeze in. I’m torn between Business Enterprises (every lawyer must know this, it’s on every bar) and Income…