Drama Queen
Busy bullet points
Shortly after my last post, I billed almost 50 hours in 3.5 days and then flew to North Carolina for a quick trip to see the sis, see the niece, and play a…
Mary Speaks
I’ve always disliked that song “Mary Did You Know” (sorry if you love it!) It plays this time of year on repeat, and I switch the channel whenever I hear it. This is…
I was thinking about him yesterday. No particular reason. I think being pregnant did it, maybe. I’m sentimental enough on the average day, but throw in gestation and I’m pretty much a sodden…
Do you ever feel like you’ve been gently, insistently redirected? Herded. Shepherded. There is a distinction, but in either case, direction from an outside source is implicit. A sheep-i-ness is implied. I have…
Hack hack coff coff snort
Has anyone heard of a neti pot? I purchased this one today online, because I couldn’t find them in the drugstores here in SmallTownUSA. 7-10 business days from now, if I’m still hack…