Drama Queen

  • Busy bullet points

    Shortly after my last post, I billed almost 50 hours in 3.5 days and then flew to North Carolina for a quick trip to see the sis, see the niece, and play a…

  • Mary Speaks

    I’ve always disliked that song “Mary Did You Know” (sorry if you love it!) It plays this time of year on repeat, and I switch the channel whenever I hear it.  This is…

  • Melancholy

    I was thinking about him yesterday.  No particular reason.  I think being pregnant did it, maybe.  I’m sentimental enough on the average day, but throw in gestation and I’m pretty much a sodden…

  • Trajectory

    Do you ever feel like you’ve been gently, insistently redirected?  Herded.  Shepherded.  There is a distinction, but in either case, direction from an outside source is implicit.  A sheep-i-ness is implied.  I have…

  • Hack hack coff coff snort

    Has anyone heard of a neti pot?  I purchased this one today online, because I couldn’t find them in the drugstores here in SmallTownUSA.  7-10 business days from now, if I’m still hack…