Domestic Bliss

  • Slow Improvement

    I am sitting up – sitting up! – in a chair by an open window as the autumn breeze blows past the keys and my husband toasts an English muffin and the kids…

  • Late October Weekend

    Solid weekend doings around here, solid.  A better fall weekend there never was, I would argue.  Friday saw me tooling in the hybrid down I-10 solo towards our little pied a terre in…

  • I Love Them So

    But the wild things cried, “Oh please don’t go, we’ll eat you up, we love you so!”  And Max said “No!” ************************************** “Mom, you should leave the room.” This from my oldest, my…

  • Home Tour – Part 1 of 2

    A tour through our home, in pictures.  I felt obligated to caption each one, but the captions are neither scintillating nor particularly informative, so feel free to just scroll through the pictures.  This…

  • Pinball

    Birmingham, training.  My first week of work, but it does not feel like it, because I am not in my city, staying in a downtown hotel.  Orientation is all forms, and small talk.…