Dear Friends

  • A Drive Home

    A Drive Home   The nice thing about being brought up in a half dozen places is that each one feels like home.  Whenever I return to the ridiculously perfect weather in southern…

  • Listen to this . . .

    . . . so my manly musclebound man manhandled the massive new all-in-one washer dryer into the house, without a handtruck, singlehandedly.  I was there, wearing gloves, close toed shoes and a sports…

  • Vegas Baby

    I spent the weekend in Vegas.   The first night I spent alone.  The first thing I saw from the plane was the pyramid Luxor, beaming a spotlight straight into the sky.  I got out…

  • Farewell

    He’s gone.  I’m flying out to Louisville for the funeral Thursday.   Sigh.  Such a cheerful, unique personality.   As a friend put it, cancer bites.   God bless you little Joe!  You…

  • The Lawnmower

    Feeling sort of melancholy lately.  Probably has to do with the dreary weather: days and sunless days of chilly rain, dim murky light, oppressive cloud cover.  Yuck.  Anyway, Darlin’ and I are doing…