Navel Gazing (and I Don't Mean Oranges)
I usually give up something for Lent each year, but I’m having a hard time deciding between the following choices: 1. Chocolate – this is something I don’t normally have frequently, but find hard to resist when its in front of me 2. Alcohol – no, never mind 3. Desserts – chocolate isn’t too bad. A blanket category such as desserts, however, is much more difficult to succeed in. It requires much more willpower, which is what this is all about for me (more so than, say, Catholic leanings!). I could stand to lose a few lbs, and this would help. But do I get a hiatus on our honeymoon?? …
Some days I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. What I want and what I have are the same exact thing. Everything is in harmony, and my mind vibrates, like the ghostly harmonics that hover over a perfectly tuned guitar chord. It’s a higher state of being. I once read a description of this as being in a "state of grace." Today I’m in a state of grace. No particular reason – it’s cold and dreary, I worked hard all weekend, I didn’t sleep well last night, we didn’t do much at all today besides grocery shop, cook, and tidy the house. Nevertheless, I have…
Catching up with Nora recently, and she sent out an APB – please, tell me about your worst failure in life! She’s going through some pretty risky life changes at the mo, and was looking for people to reassure her. Most failures in life are survivable, except perhaps failure to strap your parachute on properly before jumping out of a high-altitude situation, or similar. Well, if I can make this usually perky lady a little more cheerful by discussing a few black times in my life, I sure will! So. My WORST ever failure . . . How does one know when one has failed? Is it when you feel…
The Angry Redhead has introduced me to the term Lilypads. I first wandered over to her blog when she was cooling it on a lilypad – aka a vacation, a lilypad on the pond of everyday life. Her first blogged lilypad was a diving trip to Belize – she took several other trips that year, taking fantastic pictures along the way, and if you want to while away an hour or three daydreaming about fantastic places (or just ordinary life in Seattle), click on her link and read away. But anyway, advertising for fellow bloggers aside, I like the term. That’s sort of how I view my life – I think…
I’m Weird: In Honor of Mrs. E I WAS TAGGED. I’m supposed to tell you some weird stuff about me. Am I that interesting? Let’s see . . . According to the rules… Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog. 1. I speak Flemish, Kazhakstani,…