Navel Gazing (and I Don't Mean Oranges)

  • Lent

    I usually give up something for Lent each year, but I’m having a hard time deciding between the following choices: 1. Chocolate – this is something I don’t normally have frequently, but find…

  • Grace

    Some days I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  What I want and what I have are the same exact thing.  Everything is in harmony, and my mind…

  • Failure

    Catching up with Nora recently, and she sent out an APB – please, tell me about your worst failure in life!  She’s going through some pretty risky life changes at the mo, and was…

  • Ribbit

    The Angry Redhead has introduced me to the term Lilypads.  I first wandered over to her blog when she was cooling it on a lilypad – aka a vacation, a lilypad on the…

  • Tagged

    I’m Weird: In Honor of Mrs. E I WAS TAGGED. I’m supposed to tell you some weird stuff about me.  Am I that interesting?  Let’s see . . . According to the rules……