If my working life were a treadmill, then each partner at my firm has pushed the UP button on my speed at least once. I went from a gentle walk to a flat out sprint, and it isn’t looking to slow down for the next several weeks. I am taking that pesky old bar exam…
Category: New Orleans
So, this happened. But first, some family showed up in town to celebrate the two of us. (Although this was my graduation, The Professor didn’t walk in his August graduation, so we treated this as a celebration of both of our accomplishments.) My parents, his parents, and one of my sisters arrived on Friday evening,…
Barbri Begins Amidst Festivities
I have begun the Barbri bar exam review course. I am chilling all by my lonesies here at school, listening to the class and taking notes. And also paging through the pix I took at yesterday’s graduation party in the Quarter. We all went to brunch downtown at the Court of Two Sisters, and enjoyed…
Whenever it rains in New Orleans, the streets turn into swimming pools. The boys, along with our upstairs neighbor, donned boots and puddle-stomped, while I supervised them and also a morning yard sale. So this morning was a fairly successful group yard sale – we made over $100 total, and got rid of a number…
Easter Day
And just like that, eight days slipped by me. I have driven the five hour round trip to Mobile three (possibly four) times in the last week. I am scrambling to scrape up the motivation to study for my two exams and write my final paper for my third class. I am skipping classes left…