New Orleans

  • Last Day

    I spent a full day yesterday working, and today (Sunday) I will work about half a day in the office before scooting on up to join the family.   I will have to…

  • Do You Know What It Means

    So our family is moving.  Again. I got a job a few months ago, but requested a delayed start date til the first of the year, so the boys could finish their semester. …

  • Sunday Morning Meal Planning

    A rare morning that Liam has not drifted down the stairs at 5:30 am to cuddle with us, and so of course I’m up at that time anyway.  Craig is nestled in with…

  • Mardi Blahs

    My facebook feed is equally full of (1) pictures of Mardi Gras revels, and (2) the woeful sorrow of my former law classmates who left New Orleans and wish they were partying on…