New Orleans
No, That’s Not How I Got These Great Beads
As I mentioned last year, Mardi Gras can be extremely family friendly, if you want it to be. Go to Canal street and you’re seeing some b00bs, but stick to certain well-known areas…
So . . . Mardi Gras Happened
I feel like I’ve been picked up and shaken by that vicious terrier known as Mardi Gras. There are bags under my eyes and the middle toe of my right foot is still…
Parades, Parades, Parades
I’m at school with the car. Jack’s at preschool. Liam is at home with the nanny. The nanny has a noon class, so I have to relieve her at 11:45. Jack needs picked…
Child of God
Liam, my sweet man who gets more delightful by the day (he’s just so UP FOR IT and READY TO GO and EAGER, YOU’D BETTER BELIEVE IT, LET’S GO FRIENDS!)(I think ALL CAPS…