Hack hack coff coff snort
Has anyone heard of a neti pot? I purchased this one today online, because I couldn’t find them in the drugstores here in SmallTownUSA. 7-10 business days from now, if I’m still hack…
Puppies, Relay, and other Updates
Thought I’d give you a quick update on a couple of the update-able items in my life. #1 – The Puppy After I called Animal Welfare, the puppy stopped living in the shed…
I Have A Secret.
I’m only sharing it with you, my closest friends. I hope you’ll keep it quiet for me, I wouldn’t want it to get around. My secret is – I’m plotting a murder.…
Hormonal and Crabby
So I’m planning our fall family event at work. It will be a weekend in late October, when the air is crisp but not too cool, when the nights don’t get dark terribly…
What is my problem?
Maybe I’m fratchy because of the heat. Or maybe because we’ve been home several weekends in a row and I’m getting itchy feet. Maybe it’s because someone was condescending at…