
  • South Carolina

    This shall be picture-heavy and text-light – but here’s some pix of our week in South Carolina with my in laws. It’s about a 10 hour drive including stops, which ain’t no small…

  • Lilypads

    Hello strangers.  I have worked the last two weekends and I’m working this one too (life is terrible), but Things Have Happened and I’ve missed sharing them in this space, so here comes…

  • Busy bullet points

    Shortly after my last post, I billed almost 50 hours in 3.5 days and then flew to North Carolina for a quick trip to see the sis, see the niece, and play a…

  • Bar? What Bar?

    I promise I’m studying for the bar.  I’m about to kick it into high gear.  I’m solid on the “act like a lawyer” part – where they give you fake law, fake facts,…