Book Reviews
Excerpts from “Blue Nights” and My Own As-Yet-Unwritten Memoir
Joan Didion wrote “The Year of Magical Thinking” after her husband, John Dunne, died of a heart attack at the dinner table, and her daughter, Quintana Roo, collapsed into a serious illness from…
sweet salty kate made me do it
1) You are facing an epic journey. You may choose one companion, one tool and one vehicle from any book or film to accompany you. Or just one of the three. It’s up…
Having Faith by Sandra Steingraber
It’s hard for me to review this book, for two reasons. Reason number one – my kid is crying for my attention right now. Reason number two – I’m still trying to figure…
Book Review – Guards! Guards!
Terry Pratchett is officially a fantasy writer, but is more a Jonathan Swift than an Anne McCaffrey. Which is to say, his books got BITE. Pratchett’s Discworld series are the only ones I’ve read –…
Book Review – The Road
At once beautiful and horrific, The Road by Cormac McCarthy will keep you up at night for two reasons. The first is the nightmare world he sketches. The second is the beautiful relationship…