Bitchin in the Kitchen

  • Productive Weekend, Ahoy!

    So last week, some friends of ours were all going to see Stevie Nicks (opener: The Pretenders). We were invited, but long story short I married a miser who hates Stevie Nicks, so we…

  • Post Mardi Gras Menu

    I meant to append this to the last post, but instead I’ll just do three, three, three posts in a day!  Mardi Gras craziness leads generally to crazy eating. Although we do make…

  • Sleepless

    I’m sleeping not so well these days. I’ve instituted some mental health “rules” for myself, but truly what I need is to exercise. Unfortunately, dealing with several kid issues plus taking one day…

  • WMW – and Thursday Evening Meal Planning

    Last Thursday, my colleague and I worked furiously through the morning to finalize some items, and then we gathered up our small overnight cases, headed to a big box store parking lot, and boarded…