Bitchin in the Kitchen

  • Sunday Morning Meal Planning – Chilly-ish Edition

    Yesterday I woke up well before the crack of dawn.  3:30 am was the start to my day, unfortunately, but it meant I got up and running early.  I had three loads of laundry folded before anyone else was awake . . . although it was last week’s clean laundry, which had sat in a Clean Laundry Mountain all week because I had to work all last weekend and all I could manage was washing and drying it all.  Then I picked out the week’s menu, made a grocery list, and made it out to the grocery and back before 9am.  As soon as I got home the Professor took the…

  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning

    There’s a bit of a chill in the air, which means one thing around this house: soup-making time!  The baby is tooling around on the floor drooling on things, I’m googling Skylanders Swap Force (this is the Pokémon/Ninjago of Jack’s generation, apparently, and thus is a little boy’s Christmas list born), the boys are watching How to Drain Your Dragon for the billionth time.  The windows are thrown open, the sun is shining, College Game Day is on tv, and I’m making the week’s meals and grocery list and trying not to roll my eyes at all of these ridiculous human interest stories that the networks try to fill time with before the…