Bitchin in the Kitchen

  • Saturday Afternoon Meal Planning

    A quiet afternoon.  The tornado toddler is napping, and after a morning of play and swimming and activity, the big boys are watching some tv.  It’s stormy outside, and the dog is quivering at my feet.  The Professor and I were able to sneak away to a friend’s and watch some football while our summer nanny watched the boys for a bit.  I left the Prof there to football to his heart’s content while I came back to fetch our sons for naptime.  There’s a load of laundry in the wash and one in the dryer – all the beds are made and dishes done – the house is pretty…

  • Saturday Early Morning Meal Planning

    I had the strangest dreams last night.  I was helping a laboring woman get to the hospital – and then suddenly she shrunk and was inside a chicken egg I carried, and she birthed a miniscule baby along with a gush of yellow egg yolk.  I could not fish the baby out of the yolk and get it breathing, I tried all different ways, but it was too tiny to get on the tip of my finger.  So I carried the whole egg up a terrifying staircase, trying to get help.  It was not so much a staircase as a teetering, extremely tall obstacle course, where I had to climb…

  • Random mid-week Meal Planning Because I Just Be Crazy

    Beab is sick today, so I’m working from home.  I’ve billed a fair number of hours while he sleeps and sleeps and sleeps (conveniently for my work if not my health, he didn’t sleep at all last night due to coughing, so he’s very tired today.  SO AM I but whatever, super-lawyer-mom, amirite?)  I’ve also taken advantage of being home to do the laundry, dishes, and some cooking.  Multitasking and such.  Last weekend I accidentally defrosted an entire bag of chicken breasts, which is enough for 3 meals, and they really needed cooked.  So I did the chicken breasts for the quesadillas I’ll make later this week (with jalapeno sauce, no link…

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  • Saturday Afternoon Meal Planning

    I love having the links here to refer to through the week, so I’m putting our week’s meal plan up again.  I also wanted to note that my Day in the Life was probably quite boring, but I wanted a record of the insanity.  The Prof is helpful when he’s in town – that’s what the weekdays are like when he’s at his job out of state.  Twice a week or so, I don’t open the laptop and work after the kids go to bed, and that helps me catch more sleep.  Weekends are typically just as crazy, but crazy family-time – this is why I work weeknights, so I…

  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning

    We kicked around the idea of doing something today, but then decided to commit to a lazy Saturday at home.  The Professor has  built a fire, using pinon wood that smells amazing. *Side note – how often should a homeowner have her chimney cleaned? Of course, no day with three kids is “lazy” per se, and sometimes it is easier to manage them when they are out and about as opposed to knocking around the house, shredding it bit by bit.  But we somehow got the boys occupied with Legos and board games at the kitchen table and playing together like gangbusters, and we’ve (cruelly) deposited the busybody one year old in…