Bitchin in the Kitchen

  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning

    Hello friends. How’s tricks? I do not leave my house, except to drop my littlest boys off at school in the a.m. (masked, I stay in the car), to pick up my oldest…

  • Weekend Update

    Hello, loved ones. I have some news! I’m looking for a new job. I don’t have one yet, but I have actually told my Firm that I want to go. This is not…

  • Kitchen Bitchin’ Update!

    With yesterday’s lengthy update, I failed to include this week’s recipes, so here’s a recipe round-up, including our most recent couple of meals, and our plans for the upcoming week! Chorizo and white…

  • Lil’ Update

    A glorious weekend we just had. With Mardi Gras + trip to Nashville + trip to Puerto Rico + trip to NYC (that I just had), I’ve been run off my feet a…

  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning

    Had a big talk at work the other day about whether I want to pursue promotion to senior counsel and/or partner, which has prompted a great deal of thought on my part. I’m…