
  • Pinball

    Birmingham, training.  My first week of work, but it does not feel like it, because I am not in my city, staying in a downtown hotel.  Orientation is all forms, and small talk.…

  • housewarming/housedrenching

    Well, one move, one delayed closing, and one hurricane later, we are here, safe and sound, if a bit wet.  We left Nashville for our new home near Mobile, AL on the 18th,…

  • Panic Level – Elevated (TS Debby Edition)

    On top of bar pressures, pretty nervous about this nasty girl, heading STRAIGHT for our as-yet-unfinished home, vulnerably standing on a lot full of gorgeous mature trees that I really want to stay…

  • Splash

    Whenever it rains in New Orleans, the streets turn into swimming pools.  The boys, along with our upstairs neighbor, donned boots and puddle-stomped, while I supervised them and also a morning yard sale.…

  • Sunday Morn

    It is Palm Sunday.  Each Palm Sunday and Sunday-before-Christmas, our church hires a huge orchestra and they accompany our choir in a service-long musical extravaganza.  No sermon, no Bible readings, nothing but the…