
  • Constellation – The Strand

    We took the boys to the beach this morning. Since this weekend is the Hangout Fest in Alabama, we headed east to the lovely gulf shoreline along the Florida panhandle – less than an…

  • Busy busy busy

    I flew home from Tampa on a windy February day, and landed right into a whole mess of work that’s still sort of running my life.  To top it off, Saturday was our…

  • Sweet Home

    When I arrived at wee, dapper little Mobile airport from Atlanta, I breathed a sigh of “home” – my first time feeling this way about our new town.  The Atlanta airport spun me…

  • Weekend Update

    It seems that this blog will turn into a once-weekly affair.  The weekend days are usually the most interesting days, anyhow, and the most interesting work days (and I had a few last…