
  • Polar Arctic Cold What-Have-You

    We’re home today.  A Tuesday.  It’s cold down here, colder than anyone under the age of 40 has ever seen, and schools closed just in case of pipes bursting or buses breaking down.…

  • Karen On My Mind

    Tropical Storm/Hurricane Karen is churning its way toward us.  The Professor had planned to be out of town on a much-anticipated trip West for a wedding, but he stayed.  He had to make…

  • Saturday Morning Meal Planning

    Two, two, two posts in one day.  In one sitting, in fact.  Something about dawn makes the melancholy take hold, but having purged myself of those memories, I now turn to the more…

  • Fishin’, and Other Diversions

    In about a week, I will be an age that rhymes with schmirty schmive.  I am way too old to love my birthday but I still do.  I occasionally feel anxious about mortality,…