Jrol Pecrs
I wanted, by the way, to say hi how are ya, thanks for reading. I’ve gotten lots of comments from new folks lately, and it makes me happy. I mean, without you this…
We have landed in the season of the year when Jack was born. What a beautiful time that was – April in North Carolina. During that 2008 maternity leave I would have lunch…
Mardi Blahs
My facebook feed is equally full of (1) pictures of Mardi Gras revels, and (2) the woeful sorrow of my former law classmates who left New Orleans and wish they were partying on…
Craig and His Mother
Aaaaah, the fourth trimester. Semantically, the minute Craig gazed into the face of my OB and breathed, he turned from a fetus into a baby – but actually, aside from the breathing and…