• February 15

    I feel certain that I am live-blogging the end of life as we know it. Isn’t it odd? How one billionaire Nazi South African is strip mining the entire U.S. economy to pay…

  • February 10

    What a time to be an American employment lawyer. In other spaces I am vociferously resisting the rapid destruction of protections for me and other non-majority folks by a fascist whose father didn’t…

  • Snola

    A foot of snow fell on New Orleans earlier this week. My Tuesday turned into a Mary Oliver poem. The snow was so deep, Twy could barely see over it. Jasper went full…

  • January 19

    Some pictures of the Rex Room. A lovely experience. A little timelapse set of photos depicting the Baked Alaska Flambee . . . they fling that flaming liquor all over the place, it’s…

  • January 12

    This morning, our church choir sang an original poem set to music written by one of our own, a voice major and music-therapist in training named Sarah Ruth Altman. Below is the poem…