So this is how it goes these days. You scream and cry and fuss and holler when hungry, demanding immediate sustenance and crying quite pitifully if there is any delay. Then I get you all set, you take a couple of glugs, and then immediately begin looking around for something else to do. Often you sit and gaze adoringly at me, which I do love, don’t get me wrong, but it does mean feeding takes a million years. Right now you’re in my lap trying to type on the keyboard, having had your fill of about three sips per side.
You love jack so much, it’s unbelievable. You laser in on his face whenever he’s in the same room. Talk about smiling adoringly. He likes to play with you, too – the other day he made you cry while playing too roughly, and then said he was sorry, and asked you not to cry, and you beamed. These interactions are why I had you children.
You got your first ear infection over Thanksgiving, meaning we’ve been dealing with it now for about a week. Not fun, son, esp. since you gave us the head cold from whence it developed, and we’re all miserable right now. But it has given me the excuse to go back to co sleeping with you a little bit, which is pretty sweet, especially now that it’s cold. You keep me warm.
You have your two bottom teeth, which came in about two weeks ago. You can definitely reach for things with purpose, and are getting better and better at your aim. You also want to hold everything you see.
You are very smiley and happy, pretty easygoing. Just now I looked at you funny, and you laughed. So now we’re playing a game where I look away and then look at you, and it’s tickling you to death. What a joy you are, little goob. What a ton of fun.