sheep = beep
a duck = a quack quack
banana = nana
zebra = cow, and when corrected, beeba
Cracker = CrAH-cuh, formerly cock
Toast = toes
baba = bottle
When you see the Christmas tree, you say in a reverent tone – Treeeeee. Wiiiiiights. Treeeeee. You can say your Rs, but not your Ls, apparently. You also say inna reada book, or inna read dis book. You say I’m hungry, Inna cracker, No thank you mama, please, fruit bar, and a few other short sentences. you put a sentence together earlier, and can no longer recall what it was, but it was clearly you putting two distinct words together into a new sentence (as opposed to, say, just repeating a full sentence you hear a lot and not realizing that it was three separate words). You say hi, bye bye, and a few other phrases when appropriate.