MILP Roundup No. 344
The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the Butterflyfish, Grace, BJJ, Law, and Living, Mommy and the Sin City, Magic Cookie, here, and Perspectives of a Hard Boiled Egg blogs.
This edition of the Roundup covers posts from April 21st to April 27th.
And ya’ll must go read these – some good stuff in here, but because of my mad work week I am (a) late, and (b) not giving these women’s posts the rundowns they deserve. I have read every one, and recommend you do the same – a really good week of posts, if I do say so!
Alice discusses the paradox of parenting and a recent book on the subject.
But I Do makes me feel guilty about my mess . . . and sorry I missed this National Drug Take Back day, as I myself have a closet-full of expired junk that needs to go!
Butterflyfish describes baby Lionfish’s adorable toddlerisms. “NO EAT! NO FOOD!”
Cee talks about her feelings on the gender of Baby #3 and people’s knee jerk comments on same. That’s me having a little argument down there in the comments – MILPs dusting it up!
Magic Cookie makes me laugh multiple times while discussing her April Vacation Week.
I have been pondering my response to Grace’s heartbreaking post on the cranio mommy wars . . . it’s a hard one to convey in text rather than in person, but I do plan to comment with a message of support.
Izzie is making me tired with her trips and her attempt to get multiple jobs and what have you. Best of luck keeping those “balls” in the air!
Kate and Rosebud have a beautiful day.
Lag Liv has a prolific week, of family drama, work fun, and hilarious Frozen videos (I will always watch a hilarious Frozen lip synch video, that damn music plays in my head all the livelong day anyhow).
PYY is lounging in Hawaii . . .
Daisy also has a lot to share this week, from Easter recaps to book club updates to Friday listicles.
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