Categorizing Things is Overrated

January 6

A list of things that bring me joy (I hope to get up to 25 by year end)(see Gretchen Rubin for my inspiration):

  1. Sleeping on one of those fold-down twin beds in a train compartment. The rocking feeling, the soothing rhythmic sounds, the little curtains you can pull across the little windows . . . love a train snooze.
  2. I bought a Buddhist mala prayer bead necklace made of sandalwood in February of 2020 – and I still love to smell it and rub the beads between my fingers. I usually take it on work trips with me as a lucky charm/talisman to get me safely home. Anyhow last work trip I took to our HQ, I was in a meeting and noticed everyone looking at me kinda funny – and I had one of those movie moments where I snap out of a reverie and realize that I have cupped my beads around my nose and am deeply inhaling the scent. Like some sort of nutcase. Having been caught, I tried to explain and ended up in this lengthy, torturous conversation that more people kept coming into late, so I had to start over multiple times. It is really not an interesting story, but now everyone at RG’s Company HQ knows all about the set of beads I bought on Amathon dot com five years ago that I sniff compulsively and, apparently, unconsciously. (Not these exactly but similar.)
  3. Doing hair. I can do all kinds of braids – French, corn, fishtail, twist – doubles, crowns, round the head. My nieces on my husband’s side have absolute masses of hair, long and thick – I love doing it. Once I sat down and styled every Barbie at my mother’s house – and these are all some gross weird 30 year old Barbies with pretty frizzy hair fluff. I still had fun. Ostensibly it was a project to be done with the little girls, but they bailed very quickly and I just kept going.

Took so many pictures of these Barbies, like an insane person. Here are some of my creations on my nieces’ heads!

I’ll add to my list as I think of things! What surprising things please you?


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