Studious Beagle is Studious

So HOWWWW goes the start of the school year for you all? Jasper is ready to get rolling on some projects. As are these boys! Fourth grader reporting for duty.

He and the 8th grader started school on the same day.

I forgot to take a picture of the tenth grader when he started a couple days later. So here he is in a pic from this summer – holding a baby as he is wont to do.

So. Now that we are back in school, how did “design your summer” go over here?
As you may recall my goals were to (1) to enjoy the time and make sure it doesn’t slip away; (2) to prep these boys for life without us, so that they are not helpless; (3) to enjoy our European trip; and (4) to feel like each day is a little bit different and interesting. I must admit my enthusiasm for adventures was dampened by the “heat dome” we have been living through for weeks – the crushing humid steam room heat that kept us indoors, weary, and grumpy, with zero rain (unusual for here).
- Week 1: Memorial Day in Nashville was fun times, including some affectionate beat-downs at the trampoline park.
- Week 2: Big boys went to Memphis for a mission trip, leaving the Prof and Craig to prep for their Ireland trip at home with me.

- 3 weeks home with just the big boys and me and a white board schedule we did not once refer to

More to come on the rest – I’ve been revisiting this post for about three days and I need to just hit publish and move on!