Update on my teen cooks
So far so good with the boys learning to cook. They aren’t ready to open a restaurant or anything, but we’re getting some basics down. For Jack, bless his darling cautious heart, that basically means being able to turn on the gas stove. Liam’s a bit more advanced, though I’m positive he’s going to cut off a fingertip before too long as he’s a bit sloppy with the knife skills.

Liam’s first masterpiece – chicken soup. Easy, basic, yum. Needed a little hot sauce to spice it up, but it was nourishing and good.

Jack’s masterpiece – ravioli and pasta sauce. Simple, easy, fast.

And then tonight Liam made turkey tacos. His favorite kind are American style, ground meat + shredded lettuce in a crispy taco shell. So I taught him to make them. He wolfed down four and then ran upstairs while Jack did the dishes.
Jack’s next assignment is quesadillas. I’ll probably get a rotisserie chicken to make it easy.