Categorizing Things is Overrated

Eye-luh-rund Bound

The boys have left for Ireland!

It’s been just the three of us for the week, as the big boys have been on a mission trip in Memphis with their youth group in partnership with the Memphis Interfaith Association. They packed food at a food bank, did some gardening and repairs at a homeless shelter, volunteered for a youth literacy program reading to young children, helped their host church prepare for Vacation Bible School, and served food to folks with food insecurity. On their last day, they went to a high ropes course, and unbelievably Jack did the high ropes and Liam declined! Oh how the tides have turned with these boys! 🙂

So it’s been just Dad and Mom and Craig for a week. It was a decent, quiet week – on Friday I was inspired to have us all go out to lunch together for a NOLA last hurrah. We had delicious burgers and tots at a place in Mid City, and Craig talked absolutely non-stop. When he gets nervous, he just cracks one joke after another and man that kid was clearly anxious as heck yesterday. I drove them to the airport around 7:30 pm, as the sun was setting. We listened to the Cranberries in the car on the way, to get them primed.

They’re at Heathrow now – waiting to catch a flight to Dublin. After six long years of waiting, Craiggy gets his trip to Eye-luh-rund at last.

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