Hello from the path of Zeta. We are all just fine but were without power for several days, which was the WORST and now I think we will be scraping dripped wax off every surface in the house with a credit card for the next decade. We had no major damage – just downed limbs in the yard and our beautiful trellis of Confederate jasmine outside the kitchen window broke off, so we had to cut it down. The previous owners put it up to block the view of our neighbor’s old rusting laundry line, but now we have a full view of it. Living the urban life as we do, we could just about reach out and touch it from the window. Definitely preferred the fragrant flowers.
Something is going awry with the photo uploader – I planned for this to be a picture post, but the pictures won’t upload. Blah.
We had a lovely Halloween. I planned for us to be fruit, and then decided to heck with it when the power went out and I couldn’t sew anything, and then it came back on just in time for me to change my mind back and frantically put together a banana, apple, grapes, and orange costume. Perhaps one day I will be able to share photos of the end product with you! Or rather, end produce with you! (haha get it, produce, get it?)
We did trick or treat. I know a lot of folks didn’t due to the pandemic, but given it’s outside, involves very brief glancing encounters with folks, and no crowds . . . I felt safe about it. Almost everyone had rigged up something cute – a PVC candy chute, fishing rods, bags of candy clipped to a fence or set out in a basket. It was really wonderful, and felt sort of normal. Ish.
I’m a bit weary, I have to say. The kids just went back to in-person school but then they were back home most of last week due to the hurricane. And the hurricane was stressful, obvi, layered on top of coronavirus stress. Throw in some election stress and . . . I’m just exhausted. WILL WE EVER NOT BE EXHAUSTED?