New Look
I tried a new WordPress theme for this old thing, but I only just figured out that it does not show comments or comment boxes. I liked it but, alas. So let’s try this one.
We just finished our first full week of virtual learning, and lo, it was terrible. So I’m taking our two virtual learners to live with my parents in Nashville for a month. They watch my nephew, who is a toddler, so this is not going to necessarily be the slam dunk of virtual learning assistance it might otherwise be, but we should manage better there than here. The Prof and Jack are staying here to do their in person learning. I’m just too wiped out after a week of managing them to even have many feelings about splitting up the family. I shall try to enjoy the extra time with my parents/nephew/sister/BIL, and cross my fingers I don’t have to race down here for a depo or something.