Categorizing Things is Overrated

Day Nineteen

We have a fairly decent routine. Up, chores if needed, do some academic block, with breaks. Long lunch break – we eat first and then the Prof and I try to work an hour or two while the boys play video games or build box forts or play puzzles. Some days do meditation/yoga, some days don’t. Finish up academics in the afternoon. I take my walk usually, or do Pilates or yoga via my gym’s facebook live. Dinner, kids to bed, work several hours in the evening. I just left a job where I had to work every night after the kids go to bed, and here I am again. But I suppose we are all in the same boat these days.

Nevertheless, even with the challenges of working full time during this mess, there is time for such things as . . .

Making homemade lemonade using lemons from our neighbor’s tree
Watching movies with furry friends . . .
. . . and scaly friends.
building silly straws
making fresh boiled dumplings
Cracking heads
Building “fruit baskets”
Having adoring zoom sessions with our teachers
Watering our herb garden
And basically just hang out.
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