WHEREAS, Reluctant Grownup (hereinafter, “RG”) has recently turned 40 years old; and
WHEREAS, the resulting infirmity in the body as RG enters her fifth decade is causing some deterioration in quality of life and productivity; and
WHEREAS, RG is responsible for the welfare of numerous additional individuals (hereinafter, “Dependents”); and
WHEREAS, RG is an employee of a Big Law Firm and responsible for numerous cases; therefore
IT IS RESOLVED that RG shall perform the following duties, reasonably and from time to time, in order that her health shall be preserved and her responsibilities be met; to whit:
- RG shall join a gym quite close to her work, no matter the cost, so she can workout at lunch which is the only way she ever makes gym visits possible.
- RG shall begin to drink soothing loose teas on weeknights, as a replacement for excess bourbon, which is delicious, but caloric.
- RG shall use screen time monitoring services on her phone to limit screen time to four hours per day by the fourth quarter.
- RG shall meditate at least three times per week.
- RG shall purchase a CD or other long term savings vehicle for a small amount of savings, so she can feel like a grown up.
- RG shall find an endocrinologist, because her last one was terrible and she does not need to go back to that jagweed, but it would be good to have one.
- RG shall get her cyber security in order, including changing all passwords to really hard ones, adding 2 step security controls, and figuring out parental controls better.
- RG shall print this blog, which she’s wanted to do for years through a blog-printing service but gets intimidated by the prospect.
Agreed to on this 19th day of January, 2019.
By: Reluctant Grownup
Password managers are great. I recommend LastPass or Bitwarden.
Actually my firm just rolled out lastpass, and now we have to use it for work, and I LURVE it. Why Why did it take so long?