Bitchin in the Kitchen

Thanksgiving Short Week Meal Planning

The Prof and I are busy busy busy ’round the house this weekend.  Hanging a few pix, painting a table, cleaning out the boys’ toys, switching the summer and winter clothes.  It is at last below 70 degrees down here (not much below, though!), so we flung the doors and windows open and I actually mopped the floor for the first time since we moved in!

After I get the boys’ clothes totally switched, then I’ll get them packed up for our brief trip north for Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to the trip.

These are our meals – both for the short week to come, and the full week after (since we will be on the road next weekend and I won’t be able to prep).  So far the Costco haul has really helped reduce the grocery bill by a LOT, and my goal is to go once per month.  We only have to get a few things at the grocery to supplement, and we’ve only gone out to eat once in the last week (chicken fingers brought to an outdoor movie last night with friends).

Our meals:

Curried carrot soup

Crockpot sausage and potatoes

Pea Soup and biscuits

One pot Cajun black eyed peas

Crock pot chicken taco chili (h/t Lag Liv)

Chicken patties, mac and cheese

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