Work Life Clusterf*s

Snow – er – Rain Day

It rained, hence school was canceled.  Ever since that Birmingham/Atlanta hot mess, the principals have had an itchy trigger finger with the school cancellations.  NOLA does have legitimate street-flooding issues, and yesterday parts of Louisiana – other parts of Louisiana, really far away parts of Louisiana – have had some devastating floods due to a rain system that has since moved our way.  The weather media got all whipped up, the school officials got nervous about being painted as the next idiot who didn’t plan ahead, and we got the kids at home without school on a Friday while it drizzles a little bit outside.

We split the day, as you do when both parents work and grandma’s out of town.  I took the morning for working, and it was actually less disruptive to draft my brief in my house full of kids (shut up in my back bedroom) than it is to try to work at the office.  Now Prof’s gone to take his half day of work (he went in, his office is way closer than mine), and I’ve got kidlets in my hair.  Once the Littlest goes down for nap in a few minutes, I can definitely do more billing, but I’m not feeling too distressed about it.  Several post-midnight work sessions the past couple of weeks have earned me a somewhat lazy Friday.

The boys are doing really well since we moved.  They are so darned resilient, it’s ridiculous.  When do we (humans) get so locked up?  Probably when all the world’s responsibilities fall from our parents’ shoulders to ours – then suddenly everything seems more fraught.  I try to learn from their chill.  As long as we’re together, we’re ok.

They’re fighting over video games, so I have to go referee.  Have a lovely weekend, all . . .

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