New Orleans

Barbri and Chill

Oh, studying for a bar exam is its own special hell, isn’t it?  This will be my third, but of course Louisiana law is all whack, so my first two aren’t much help.  Many before have told me, if you’re switching from the common law (which is what 49 states have) to the civil law (LOUISIANA WHY), you’re basically just learning a new vocabulary for the same concepts.  But I don’t know – there’s no common law analog to “the arms of the sea,” which in the Louisiana civil code is the immediate vicinity of the open gulf which is directly overflowed by tide, and not to be confused with the seashore, which is the land up to the highest tide during winter.  Are these somehow different?  Why do I need to know that the bed of a river is everything below the low water mark, but the bed of a lake is everything below the high water mark – and why can’t they be the same, Louisiana WHY

Meanwhile, Mardi Gras is rocking and rolling right outside my window, and I’m not ashamed to note that I will study break for a parade any time!  I’d rather parade and study than study and sleep, so that means I don’t sleep much these days,  but what else is new.

It’s 6:45, time to wake the brothers.  I have Craig do it (he’s ALWAYS up first).  I’ll say: “Craig!  Time to wake up Jack and Liam!” And he will squeal with delight, throw open the door, and say “Wake up, Dak and Weem!  Wake up!” and he will climb right in their beds and sit on their heads and stick his face in their faces and smile big, all the while saying “Wake up Dak!  Wake up Weem!” And they always wake up with a smile, they’re such good sports about it.  Super cute.

(Haha. I looked up what “Netflix and Chill” actually means, and lemme tell ya, that is not what I’m driving at.  Thank God for the urban dictionary or my lameness would be on full display.)


  • maya

    I had to delurk to say this. You’re not alone! I had no idea about the chill aspect of Netflix either. Imagine my horror on being sweetly informed by a student after I had made a couple of jokes to the tune of “Go outside and chill.” Gah :).