I’m waiting for the laptop to download our remote software, so I have time for a three sentence update. We have no internet at home yet, so it’s hard to update. The transition has gone smoothly, except that we are really in despair about the school situation here. Unclear how to solve that – they’re set for this term, but all school spots for Fall 2016 are doled out now, so we are having to apply and do testing now (for public schools). In fact, we’re late – they started for Fall 2016 in October of 2015. Half of the available spots are French immersion, so our older boys cannot apply for those. There are so few non kindergarten spots available . . . I have been told not to expect to get in for several years.
Free parent choice = 4 kids for every 1 decent spot, lotteries, corruption, and driving skilled people away because they cannot educate their kids. FYI. There’s no choice at all involved.
I have to go work now – working on a Sunday. Better start studying for that bar. Ugh.