Categorizing Things is Overrated

October Nineteen

The month continues apace.  We had our first chilly weather over the weekend – and by chilly I mean 60 degrees, we really are the best place in the country to be at this time of year and on through to about June, when it all goes to hellfire (almost literally!)  We had our first fireplace fire of the season on Sunday morning.  The boys and I spent a lot of Sunday playing in the yard, swinging on their swings and playing hockey with baseballs.  Craig swung on the swings, and walked around the railroad ties that pen in the mulched playground area.  I tied the dog up to the patio table out there with us, and he enjoyed the mild weather (Welsh breed, often too hot down here).

I have a lingering cold and cough that has been keeping me up at night.  I have now passed it on to the Professor.  Blerg.

Craig calls fruit snacks “nick nacks,” and is forever getting into the pantry, unfolding the little stepladder I keep in there, climbing on up to reach the shelf with the nick nacks, pulling absolutely every single one of them out of the box and into his arms, and then pestering the other four members of the house to open them for him.  “Nick nack?  Nick nack?  NICK NACK!” he’ll holler, shoving them at you.  It’s cute and bossy.  We got a video yesterday of him bullying Liam into letting Craig ride on his back, like a pony.  Then he wacked his flanks, like a rider with a whip, and Liam collapsed under his weight in a fit of giggles.  Liam is so lean, and Craig so pudgy, I think they are pretty close in weight actually.

All right.  Off to the morning.

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