Sunday Morning Meal Planning
Meal planning’s happening today, since I had to bill a lot of yesterday morning (commenter Margaret gave me writing prompts re various things, including being a lawyer – I don’t often mention it for privacy/ethics concerns, but this is one area of being a firm lawyer that one must get used to, and that’s working on Saturday morning! I’ll try to think of more that I can write, while also staying within reasonable bounds, for a later Lawyerin’ post!) The hungry monkeys have eaten all of the food, and so To The Grocery Store We Go!
I was not able to pre-cook the week’s meals last weekend, due to the aforementioned Louisiana trip, and so we made do with pre-cooked meatballs, cheap frozen pizza, and the few items I could make quickly after work. Meaning this week’s meal plan has some similarity to last week’s!
Spinach soup and pesto grilled cheese
Shepherd’s pie with potato crust
Martha Stewart’s perfect roast chicken, with roasted potatoes and carrots
Chicken tacos, served with beans and rice (no recipe link, I’ll toss the leftover roast chicken in taco seasoning and add shred lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, nom nom)
I’ve had a bad cold for over a week, and all of this food sounds so nourishing and delicious. Just what the doctor ordered, along with gallons of hot peppermint tea (we have a TON of peppermint tea, from whence it came I know not but it sure is handy). Have a great week!