Domestic Bliss


Already missed a day! Ack!

I will give you two today, to make up for it. For this morning, a stream of consciousness list:

  • My sister bought her wedding dress, and it is glam glam glam.  She looks so pretty in it.  So proud of her.  No spoilers on design, but think “Sybil Crawley” and you get the general idea of her look.  That’s Sybil Crawley, first season of Downton Abbey, of course, not her final season when she had that weird haircut.
  • When does Downton Abbey’s last season come out in America?  Hmm. Must investigate.
  • I do believe I will be purchasing all 3 of my meals from fast food windows today.  I feel gross just saying that.
  • The other day, I was changing Craig’s diaper and exclaimed that the diaper was GROSS!  And Craig said GROSS!, in his funny deep baby voice.  He sounds like a bullfrog.  He walked around the house going GROSS!  GROSS!  GROSS!  We’re smack in the mimicking stage of toddler language development and it’s cute, and also means that I can no longer holler SHIT when the dog knocks me into the couch and I stub my toe.  (Let’s face it, I still will.)
  • Back to the wedding – though located in various states, we sisters all helped her shop for the dress together via picture messaging.  My mom would send lots of shots of her in the dress and we’d give our feedback.  As the shopping excursion wound down to its end, I showed Jack and Liam the picture of the dress she ultimately chose, and asked “What do you think?”  Jack said “I think she looks so pretty!”  Liam said “I think it’s Aunt Caki.”
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