Get Into the Groove
(You’re welcome for the earworm.)
Liam had the novel experience this morning of being “the well-behaved one” for once, and I wanted to get the event down for posterity. As you may recall, the Professor does his professor-ing in a different city and state, and travels there each week to stay three days in a teeny apartment. You may also recall that he has not done this for over a year – we were blessed with a well-timed research sabbatical plus paternity leave, which gave us the precious gift of a consistent two-parent household during Craig’s first year of life.
My buddy Craigsy is about to turn a year old. (Went fast, did it not?) Which means that the Professor is back in the professoring saddle again, which means we’re back to our normal weeks of single mom/SAHD split. Today was the first day that I had to get all three kids (plus myself) up and ready and out to the bus stop by 6:40 am. Today is our first day of the “normal” groove, and I’ve been dreading it . . .
Those of you who know my darling 4 yo in real life know that he is going through a challenging phase (to phrase it in a loving parental euphemism). Following instructions ain’t his bag, baby, and getting him dressed and ready for the day is a Sisyphean struggle that is turning my brunette locks gray. Anticipating (and hoping to avoid) many mornings of dragging him out to the bus in his pjs, I’ve been prepping this kid for a few weeks now. “When Daddy’s gone, I need your help . . . you’re a big boy and you need to make sure I can get the baby ready . . .” etc. etc.
It appears to have worked, at least on day one. He marched down the stairs towards the breakfast table, saying “I’m ready to be a big boy today!” He moved from breakfast table to his clothes, laid out for the day, and said “I’m gettin’ dressed wifout you havin’ to tell me, mom!” I asked him to go brush his teeth, and a minute later he appeared by my side, gently touching my arm. “It was dark in da bafroom, but I just turned on da wight!” Each of these was met with heroic cheering and praise on my part. I tried not to look too startled . . .
His exemplary behavior was, without question, nourished and encouraged greatly by his big brother’s poor behavior. Something set Jack off this morning and he moved through the morning ritual with his “droopy sad face” on. The more Jack sulked, the more Liam perked up. “Jack’s bein’ bad and I’m bein’ good!” he said more than once. It was pretty hilarious to see their usual roles reversed, and what joy it gave Liam to not be the one in trouble for once. I discouraged the comparison, while secretly grateful that Jack picked today to be a pill. Whatever it takes to get through the morning, man.
Anyway, even a sullen Jack will eat and get dressed toot sweet – just with a frowny face on. And Craig is about the easiest baby you ever met. So with Liam cooperative, this morning went smooth as silk. I got up at 5 and got myself ready and everything breakfast and packed-lunch-wise set out for the boys. While the boys fed themselves, Craig had a bottle, gulped down some yogurt, and then allowed me to wrap him up like a burrito in the stroller, arms and legs completely pinned under the stroller straps with just a little head sticking out, and continued to squeal and screech with delight at the world during out little family walk to the bus. Liam held the dog’s leash (“I’m walkin’ the dog like a big boy, mom!”) Jack dragged his feet and never did smile, but got himself out there in time to catch the bus. Then I had the two littler kids in the car and heading to school by 7:10. I was at my desk at work by 8.
And I only had to get up at 5 am to accomplish it.
I think that’s all very impressive. This is my 2nd week back at work, and even with my Mom around, my husband to take care of Mia, today was the first time I was able to sit down at my desk by 9:30!
Good Job!! I’m DREADING our first regular morning with three as well. But for me, mostly dreading the baby. Ugh, and I can’t decide if I should stop nursing right away like I did with my second or keep it up (last baby, waaah!).
Adorbs. What a wonderful big boy! Aunt Amanda approves 😉
WTF school bus at 6:40?!
Yeah, 6:40 is early, right? The bus has to do two routes before school starts, and ours is the second stop of the first route. We get the boys up at 6, which means they go to bed at 7 (Craig) and 7:30 (older boys). I make sure to be snoozing by 10, myself.
I have not worn makeup or done my hair all week, but I did manage to remember earrings every day so far.