Categorizing Things is Overrated

Chilly Willy

It’s been a while.  Two weekends ago I went to Charleston – I have a draft post on that weekend trip that I only ever get tiny snippets of time to write and apparently I will never finish.   Last weekend, family came to town and we went camping-ish – we weren’t far from home and I brought the boys back for naps/laundry/cleaning/nighttime sleep, but Jack and the Professor stayed in the tent and we ate camp meals.  The weeks between were slam packed with work – billable and nonbillable work, so much.  I’ve had a cold and cough that keeps me from sleeping for approximately forever.  The children were also sick in various heinous and high-fevered ways over the last month.

The days are gray and chill.  I kept a fire going all day yesterday, which was nice, but the baby keeps trying desperately to crawl right into it.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve washed soot off his tiny baby hands.

This is the week’s meals.  I tried to get up the energy today to pre-make some of it, but just couldn’t do it.  This cough has me wrecked.  So instead I’ll leave work in time to make it all each day.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I just had to live in that pipe dream for a second.  No, more likely I’ll wake up early and prep the day’s dinner before I go to work.  I also make lunches and breakfasts for everyone at that time – what’s one more meal?

The baby is crying, so I will go and rescue him from his bed, where he just had a nice long nap.  Hope to write again soon – maybe daydream about Charleston and try to finish up that draft of a post.


Monday: 1 pan chicken with broccoli, carrots, and potatoes

Tuesday: Thai turkey meatballs with rice

Wednesday: Fall super salad plus carrot soup from a container

Thursday: Crock pot gyros with flatbread and tzatziki

Friday: Tortelloni and sauce