Jack,  Liam,  Tex


I have literally three minutes here, so I default to my norm: cute kid stories.  So boring 4U, so interesting 2ME!

  • Liam moved his (my) ukulele the other day, and said loudly: I hereby decree this guitar does not reside in this room.
  • Craig has had two teeth, on bottom, for a couple of months now.  He has expressed little interest in growing any additional teeth, and my concerned side-eyed glances at his gums have done nothing until this week, when he sprouted 2 on top overnight, plus a horrifying gum-bruise thing that Dr. Google tells me is a teething hematoma, and not terrifying mouth cancer.  Little Buddy isn’t really into food.  He likes milk – boy howdy does he, and in keeping with his predecessor brothers, he is giant.  But I gave him a banana puff the other day and it just sat in his mouth while he stared at me blankly.  I gave him actual applesauce from a jar, rather than the overpriced “apples” you can buy in baby food form, and he rejected it.  There is no mashing of the jaws, no attempts to chew.  He’s perfectly happy with liquids, thanks, which is good, given the teeth situation.
  • Jack just started cub scouts and baseball, and he’s also in piano.  Each is a once-a-week commitment, though baseball only lasts a month or two.  All of a sudden, we be busy.  And by “we” I mean the Professor because he’s the one running around to all the events with three kids in tow, while I work work work all the long hours of the day and night.
  • Craig is happiest rolling around on the floor, chewing on whatever he finds.  He’ll sort of crawl somewhere, then sit himself up, then lay down on his back and roll a bit, then sit back up, then lay down and kick his feet like a little beetle stuck on its back.  As long as he’s in the room where we are, he’s content to do this at all times.
  • Liam has announced he prefers to be called “racecar driver” from now on.  Also, he can write now.  Lord knows how that happened because it sure wasn’t me.


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