It’s been tough to blog lately, simply because when I’m not working like a banshee, I’m squeezing in some summer fun. I have pictures of the husband’s-side-of-the-family beach week, which occurred immediately after Craig’s baptism . . . then the my-side-of-the-family Fourth celebration, which was the week after that . . . and my kids’ Getting Spoilt For A Week At Grandma’s, which has been this past week and is just wrapping up (the Professor has gone to pick them up today, so our little time of quiet is coming to an end). But in order to spend any time at any of these events, I have had to cram work into 4am wakeups, three all nighters, naptimes, late nights, weekends, and waiting in line at the doctor or the pharmacy or the grocery store. I squeeze it into every second. I take little chunks of time off here and there to make sure I can clear my head and give my eyes a rest from the cold blue glow of the computer screen, but for the most part I have been totally, utterly, completely covered up, ever since I came back from maternity leave. It’s . . . not my favorite. I prefer a less helter skelter schedule, for sure. But I’m trying to deal without completely torpedoing my health. And sleep comes before exercise, which comes before blogging, in terms of my personal hierarchy of needs (although ideally to be happy and fulfilled I require ample amounts of all three). All of these things come before washing my hair – I’m down to hair washing once a week, exercising once a month, sleeping 6 nights out of every 7, and blogging basically never because while I have lots to say, I am sick of looking at a computer by the end of the day.
Hoping this ends very very soon. I actually took some extra work off an associate lower on the totem pole than I – she told me she hadn’t slept in two nights and was taking caffeine pills to keep going. Jeebus. This is a little bit due to the law firm model of understaffing, but also a lot due to something in the water that is making everybody and their brother suddenly sue our clients. The economy gets better, and people feel safe enough to sue folks again, I guess. Who knows, but I’m killing myself here, so I hope it either slows down or we add an associate.
Anyways. It’s been a glorious quiet week at home sans Big Kids (who, as I mentioned, are at grandma’s). I know I’m supposed to say “I look through my empty, clean house, and I miss the chaos” or something like that, but no. The boys are having a blast doing all sorts of fun things, and I am having a blast taking a break from meeting their every need and tripping over their toys and refereeing their fights. I could seriously, genuinely do another whole week of this. They probably could, too. My parents? I’m guessing my parents need a little break.
I have fun slice-of-life updates to do, and I may get to some later today, since it’s just me and Craig for the bulk of the day, and he sleeps a lot still, and while I have work to do a gal’s gotta take a day off sometimes. Meanwhile, here is a little Saturday morning meal planning for ya – gotta go to the grocery, our cupboards are bare. The boys will be back this afternoon, and I’m battening down the hatches. Send me good vibes for hanging on my my fingernails through this busy time!
Saturday: Heading over to a cookout at a coworker’s house this afternoon, where we will all bitch about our exhaustion over the fragrant smells of cooking meat. Bringing the following – Smoked Gouda Pasta Salad – an old Whole Foods favorite reverse-engineered by the Pioneer Woman. Also some Corn jalapeno salad which you can get at Publix (if you have it) and I highly recommend – not too spicy, the corn is grilled, perfect blend of tastes for a summer picnic, and Rose sangria.
Sunday: Church today, mowing the lawn, not much else, so I’ll have time to take a stab at Coconut curry shrimp – trying to get over my fear of ever having shrimp when Jack is in the house (he is allergic). It’s not like the things are going to leap up off the plate and jump in his mouth. This looks delish, and I am going to make the boys Chef Boyardee or something.
Monday: Oven roasted BBQ chicken thighs – I know this is a Pioneer Woman extravaganza all up in here, but I won’t apologize. These look tasty, and I want to give it a try. Will serve with a green salad and rice
Tuesday: Tuesday I argue a big major motion 3 hours away at a court in Florida. So Tuesday I will be tired, and Homemade pizza it is.
Wednesday: Wednesday I argue a dispositive motion here in town. So Wednesday I will also be tired, and I’m thinking fried chicken salad (I have a paper recipe, but I basically buy some fried chicken tenders and add it to a green salad with lima beans, corn, sliced fresh red bell peppers, fresh ground black pepper, and a tiny bit of ranch drizzled on top). Plus some nectarines sliced in a bowl, and biscuits.
Thursday: Thursday I depose a plaintiff in a major employment case and I will be tired. (I’M SENSING A THEME, ARE YOU?) Thursday we will give these vegetarian enchiladas a try. Quick and easy.
Friday: Pan-cooked catfish, quartered new potatoes and green beans, with watermelon for dessert.
For breakfasts I’ll make green smoothies (mmmmm), yogurt and fruit, toast and coffee, that sort of thing. Lunches will typically be a salad with some form of last night’s dinner on top of it.
I made the veggie and goat cheese enchiladas for my hubs during his first murder trial and he scarfed them down! They are stressed-lawyer approved 🙂 hope you like them, and good luck this week.. You sound just a little busy!
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That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.