Categorizing Things is Overrated,  MILP Roundups

MILP Roundup # 351

The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the Butterflyfish, Grace, BJJ, Law, and Living, Mommy and the Sin City, Magic Cookie, The Reluctant Grownup, and Perspectives of a Hard Boiled Egg blogs.

This edition of the Roundup covers posts from Monday, June 9 to Sunday, June 15.

Alice’s boy has some deep conversations, and Alice does, too.

But I Do has some advice for her younger self.

Fotd is enjoying those two older boys, and feeding the youngest one.

Magic Cookie details some family relations, silly kid antics, and all in all what sounds like domestic contentedness.

Dinei’s Baz has a coupla tough broads in his life – his Minnie, and his gun-totin’ mama.

Frenchie’s . . . shhhhhhhhhh . . . feeling a bit better at 15 weeks.

Grace welcomes a brother home from danger.

Kate graduates a daughter, and makes some big life changes herself. Hang in there, Kate.

Lag Liv irons out some wrinkles in the beginning of summer, and waxes poet-like on that wonderful hubs, JP.

qH is struggling, but still strong enough to stand up for pH.  (I’m surprised you didn’t kill her, qH, even if only with your glare.)

PYY is singing my song, this week, about how all you’ve got sometimes isn’t enough.  Sorry you’re struggling, too – we’re all with you.

Daisy JD ruminates on a job lull.  Not to laugh in the face of your problems or reveal myself as a total ADD weirdo, but this made me think of ruminants, which gave me an image of a Cow Lawyer chewing on pages of pleadings, which is a visual joke that sustained me throughout the afternoon.

kderoll does the WOHM SAHM tango that we all do in our minds sometimes.