MILP Roundups

MILP Roundup #339 – Butterflyfish Rounds up the Roundups

I round up the Mothers in the Legal Profession – a bunch of blogs maintained by ladies who are mothers, and also are or were lawyers.  As the name would imply.

Anyway, I should also link to when other folks take a turn rounding up our latest posts, but I never do because . . . I have no valid excuse.  I’m going to try to be better about that.  Therefore, here is the link to the three-hundred-thirty-ninth roundup to be posted – phew! – wherein I learn that I’ve been helping hostess for almost two years now, good golly.  This is a seriously great group of women whose experiences have helped give context to my own, and I’m very glad I got involved in this group.  If you are a mother in the legal profession and would like to be rounded up, let me know and I’ll put your name on the list!

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