Everyday Adventures

Random Act of Kindness

Yesterday a friend posted about her kid on facebook.  The story went something like: “My daughter had a dream that someone left a big wrapped present for her on the front porch.  When she woke up and looked outside, there was of course nothing there.  She was ticked at me the rest of the day for stealing her present!  She would NOT believe it was just a dream!”

Cute story, kids say the darnedest things, yadda yadda.

This morning, the same woman put up some pictures on facebook.  Some local friend who knows them IRL and knows where they live had read her post, snuck over in the middle of the night, and put a huge wrapped box on the front porch.  The note with the anonymous gift said “Dreams are important.  Never stop having them!”  The box was filled with small trinkets for their two young daughters.  🙂

That charmed me and just made my day, so I thought I’d share and charm you, too.  A little bit of daily magic and sparkle.  Sometimes life is just too sweet.