MILP Roundups

Mothers in the Legal Profession Roundup No. 307

Week of June 3-9

The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the ButterflyfishPT Law MomAttorney at LargeAttorney Work Product, BJJ, Law, and LivingThe Reluctant Grownup, and Magic Cookie blogs.

AAL is educating – Pea, and also adults who need to know about homeschooling.

But I Do has a guest and a giveaway.

Butterflyfish gives a four minute roundup.

FOTD says “heck with it” and has a mini evening adventure.

CM is seeing things.

Cowgirl is dewing what it takes to survive.

Googie is following the money.

Follow the chain of links to Kate’s guest post.

LC makes some observations about perspective after a birthday party.

LL checks in with cookies, marshmallows, and mirrors.

AWP goes to the Happiest Place on Earth.

Hard Boiled Egg suggests some books.

Daisy gets the house all moved in in anticipation of guests.