Categorizing Things is Overrated,  MILP Roundups

MILP Roundup # 300

The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the ButterflyfishPT Law MomAttorney at LargeAttorney Work Product, BJJ, Law, and LivingThe Reluctant Grownup j(here), andMagic Cookie blogs.

Week of April 15 – 21, 2013

*Allow me to take a brief moment and acknowledge the hideous week we all just lived through – some of us more harrowingly close to events than others.  So.  Yeah.

The Bostonians

All of us non-Boston MILPs send our love to all of you, who had your city turn into a Michael Bay movie overnight.  As an aside, I was surprised at how many MILPs live in Boston – there are a large number of Boston women in this group.  I have collected below our Bostonians’ reactions to the happenings of this past week, raw memories all together.  I will just list the posts without commentary – I’d hate to sound flip.

Magic Cookie, Friday, April 19,  Lockdown.

Mommy Madness, Sunday, April 21,  Well I love that dirty water . . .

Portia, Tuesday April 16, Distracted; and Sunday, April 21, It’s Over.

suzyjd, Sunday, April 21, Intensity. 

 And in other news . . .

AAL comforted Bostonians, and all Americans, with sloths.  Naturally.  ***I MUST ADD THIS, an unofficial addendum to AAL’s post.  We all could use a few more sloths in our lives.*** She also ponders how to see herself, 3 years out of lawyerin’ . . . reports some happy news . . . and shares some pix of Pea’s additions to the lady den.

But I Do was a bit less perky and a bit more pissed off after Monday.

Butterflyfish has me singing the Beastie Boys now . . . describes her littlest one at one . . . and joins in on the conversation the CM started about Leaning In.

FOTD has a picture-post-heavy week, showing us a day at the park, a sweet master, and a scallywag of a party, arrrrr maties.  She also opines on being a mother, and having a mother, and patience, and love, and all those sweet motherly things.

Magic Cookie saves me from having to read Lean In myself – – – see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, *gasp, are we there yet?*, Part 9, and Part 10.

Cowgirl in the City needs some advice.

Frenchie Flip has a busy weekend and some money woes.

Grace goes a little crazy, has kind of a cool week at work, and gets weary of fielding the “when’re ya gonna have number two” inevitable question.

Izzie has more work drama, and blogs about having multilingual, multicultural kiddos.

Kate is displaying Rosebud art, buckling down for finals, but still has time for walks and entertaining company in her study hidey hole.

LC is contemplating a doctor prescribed diet.

Lag Liv struggles through dealing with illness and inquisitive children (I remembered this exchange with Landon that LL describes when the bad guys actually did THROW BOMBS AS THEY RAN AWAY FROM POLICE, straight out of a child’s nightmares), and goes wild on her closets.

Mommy Madness gets in shape for hiking season.

Pseudostoops reminisces about an old favorite site and posts some recipes.

PT Law Mom quotes ATL, and worries about Pumpkinhead.

Hard Boiled Egg threw a shower, and suggests some reads.

Daisy JD talks beauty, and searches for a needle in a haystack.