Having It All
This week I have it all – I have too much of it. I’d like to give some back, please?
The ol’ work-life see saw has broken at the fulcrum, both sides are so weighed down. Truly, each side could be demanding more of me. I’m just grousing because the kids aren’t sleeping well, The Professor’s been gone, and it’s been my busiest work week yet (yesterday, so full of promise for a reasonable workload at morningtime, quickly devolved into a putting-out-fires-manic-scramblefest that ended at 9:30 pm, kids asleep – but not for long! – nanny ready to go home, me starving and speeding down the road in the moonlight towards home). I’m super sleepy and not confident that I will be having a good night’s sleep anytime soon, given my littlest’s recently developed penchant for late night wailing. Also, we are low on sunlight and high on chill over here – it’s been so foggy the last few days that we’ve been unable to see anything outside our windows – it’s like working from the inside of a cloud. I suppose it IS working from the inside of a cloud.
Upsides include – Liam is almost potty-trained (HUZZAH!); Jack stayed on green yesterday, so I don’t have to come up with a punishment; even though I forgot to feed and water the dog all week, the nanny remembered, so he didn’t die (HUZZAH!); the Professor comes home today; AND, the best yet, I get Monday off (I have never gotten MLK Day off before), and I’ve billed so much already this week, I can take it properly off. This is the upside to a crazy week – my 40-hours-billed-by-Wednesday buys me relaxation later. I’m thinking about painting some furniture during my three day weekend. Anyone had any luck painting furniture? I have 4 pieces in mind – a desk, a dresser, and two kitchen table chairs. I’m thinking a sort of distressed light blue, perhaps . . . These pieces are looking rough, but I’d like to keep them rather than adding more stuff to our list of things to buy, and I think painting could be the ticket. However, I’m very bad at this sort of thing. Perhaps I will fly my youngest sister down to me and make her do it. Repurposing old things is kind of her forte, and since I’m the oldest and taught her to tie her shoes, I still get to boss her around. That’s how it works, right?
Anyway, thanks for letting me grouse, and I’m back to billing. Have a lovely January day, folks.
LOL at you forgetting to feed and water the day all week. Thank goodness for nannies! Yay for potty-training! and more YAY for MLK day! When I had strict billable hours I remember never being able to take true days off. Enjoy it!
Sounds like some Pinterest research is in order.